August 25, 2007
6:34 PM:
It died last Friday and with the heat wave came the rain. The heat wave made it nearly impossible for me to
I'm at my parents' in Pennsylvania this weekend, so the cats are at home enjoying the air conditioning. I was afraid to turn it off.
Oh, America.
Labels: anger
August 21, 2007
7:21 PM:
miles and miles
I haven’t heard anything yet from the Beautiful Club. But since we’re on the topic of beautiful...
She talked about little girls in Asia who become prostitutes… maybe because they don’t have any choice… maybe because they don’t have any hope… maybe because it’s the only thing that makes them feel loved and useful. I’m glad we’re in
I don’t mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved.
I want to make you feel beautiful.
Labels: jesus
August 19, 2007
8:35 PM:
beautiful dot com
The other day I was on the phone with Mom and she was watching an interview on Fox News with Derek Braun, founder of The Beautiful Club--an elite club for beautiful people. Self-described, they are "here to select the elite for you...." This "exclusive membership" is "pre-selected by a panel of judges."
How does one apply? Go to the club's myspace site, send a friend request, and wait. Once they receive your request, a discreet panel of judges will make their decision and only you will know the outcome.
The whole thing is amusing to me. The club, the membership procedure, the "panel of judges"... I'll be sure to update you on my acceptance or rejection as soon as I get word either way.

I'm generally ISFJ, but my E and I are usually pretty close. I must be feeling in a social mood this morning. I still think I'm more of an ISFJ.
ESFJs are social butterflies that value relationships, supporting and nurturing others. Never one to shy away from social events, they are often the host. ESFJs are responsible, dutiful, observe traditions and follow rules. ESFJs have a deep concern for others and often end up as caretakers. They are sensitive to criticism and have a need to be appreciated for the good they do for others. ESFJs are understanding, generous, have a quick wit and a knack for composition and beautification.
ISFJs are traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. They are very sensitive to other people's needs because they are very observant. They have rich inner thoughts and emotions. They value stability and cultural norms. They are very adept at giving attention to detail. They do not seek positions of authority.
your protector
August 08, 2007
7:30 PM:
1. Seeing so much of Teresa and Libby
2. Feeling like myself again and having people notice
3. A first date that didn't suck!
4. Doing something meaningful at work
5. Talking to Mom every day
6. Reruns of ANTM
7. Finishing the crossword puzzle
8. Making new friends at the office
9. Hitting my hug quota
10. Nighttime chats with Mandy
the best, though: Jill's moving back!
What makes you happy?
Labels: thankfulness