October 08, 2008

11:56 AM: a home for betsy [please]

Once upon a time, I had only one cat. One cat, Jonah, has gone through lots of life with me. College, marriage, moves, divorce, numerous boyfriends, remarriage. One cat, Betsy, became mine through a slightly rash decision and although I love her, man, I have for many years now wished I could go back to having a one-cat household. Up until recently, I wouldn't have considered rehoming her because she is pretty attached to me. But the idea of having two cats and two kids in our small place had me almost convinced, and then yesterday she tried to take Noah's eye out.

She's jealous, I get it... but still, Noah has nice eyes. And I don't think she's going to be any less jealous of a new baby in the house. Besides, Josh is always kicking her off the bed or the couch, and really she just needs a loving lap to sit in all the time.

She's a super affectionate cat--lap cat all the way. She always wants to be on me or beside me, she loves sleeping in the bed, she purrs loudly and sometimes gets so happy she slobbers. She's housebroken and not bull-headed at all. She's about three years old, cute except her eyes are a little wide, and she has claws I trim but she's never been outside.

Anyone want to help out a poor kitty? If you or anyone you know (without kids) is looking for a loving lap cat, please let me know. I can go the craigslist route, but I am really hoping I can find a friend or a friend of a friend who I know will give her the attention she needs.


October 04, 2008

12:46 PM: sleeping alone... sometimes

Josh got switched to the night shift on Monday. When he first told me on Friday night, I had an enormous meltdown. I was sure it was the end of the world, we'd never see each other, it would cause marital problems, and so on. Saturday night when he got home from work, I had another one. Sunday night... again. I work best under pressure, because by Monday I was doing my best to figure out how to make this work instead of feeling sorry for myself and crying over something I couldn't change.

He works 12-hour shifts, so three days one week and four days the next I'll go to bed with only Baby Burke and the cats. The rest of the week we'll pretend like life is normal. I changed my hours at work so I can get home a little bit earlier and have a little bit more time before he leaves for work at 5:30pm. It's not my favorite situation, but we're making it work.

Last night I decided since it was Friday night, I would stay up super late so that I could sleep late this morning after Josh got home. So I stayed awake as long as I could and at 7am, my phone rang. Still a zombie, I had to go rescue Josh and his dead car battery. I could say my plan sort of backfired on me, but I did get to climb back in bed when I got home and sleep for awhile, so I guess I got what I wanted... just a little time next to my husband.


About Me

    Name: Shannon
    Age: 29
    Occupation: Editor
    Identity: Child of God
    Location: Ohio
    Yahoo: shann_79


© 2007 Shannon, the Writer of this Blog"
